Adult Sunday School Classes
Young Career Class
Meeting Time 11:00 Room 3
The Bible study is led by a combination of class members and others. Current class leaders are Carolyn Johnson who was instrumental in helping to establish the class, and Senior Minister Jeremy Skaggs. Their lessons are varied but typically focus on a series. For instance, in the Spring of 2020 the class studied the book "Parables and Passion".
Meeting Time 9:00 Room 2
A class of adults who come together on a weekly basis simply to experience a sense of community and share experiences. The members of this class are very active in the church and enjoy social gatherings on a regular basis.
Crusaders Class
Meeting Time 11:00 Room 2
A group of men and women that studies a variety of topics and is very active in fellowship, outreach and support of fellow class members. Bible study is in lecture format with some discussion. (Not currently meeting due to pandemic.)