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Members of the church believe strongly in "hands-on service" and involvement in our community to make positive changes.

Little Red Food Pantry


Whether a need for food or a need to give, mini pantries help neighbors feed neighbors, nourishing neighborhoods.

Harvesting Hope Community Garden

The church maintains a plot in the community garden at First Christian Church Arlington.  Their mission is to feed those that are hungry both here in our community and throughout the world.

Sit and Stitch 

Besides working on individual projects and learning about knitting and crocheting these stitchers make numerous projects -- baby hats for the Children's Medical Center in Dallas, baby blankets for Embrace Grace and scarves and fingerless gloves for the Arlington Night Shelter.

Fifth Sunday Outreach​ The entire church works together every 5th Sunday on service projects such as making weekend food bags for AISD students, visiting with seniors, beautification projects and working at Mission Arlington. 

LGBTQ+ Events


Church families have participated in and staffed information booths for events such as Youth Pride, Tarrant County Pride Parade and The Equality March for Unity and Pride.

Arlington Life Shelter The congregation  provides lunches and dinners on the 1st Sunday of odd-numbered months.

Health Promoters Team 


This team offers programs and information on health and wellness.

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